Hiram Trailhead - Map & Text Directions
33.88245691690808, -84.75465995300519
Directions - Overview
- Hiram Trailhead is in the city of Hiram in Paulding County, Georgia
- It's near the intersection of Hwy-92 and Hwy-278
- Hwy-278 is northwest of Atlanta, and runs east to west towards Alabama
- Note: Highway-278 mile markers start over in every county
- Go to mile marker 15 on Hwy-278 in Paulding County
- Near mile marker 15, you'll find Depot Drive
- It's the next red light east of the Hwy-92/Hwy-278 intersection
- The red light in front of The Home Depot
- Turn towards The Home Depot
- Pass Home Depot, and go through the 4-way stop directly behind The Home Depot
- At the 4-way, Depot Drive turns into Seaboard Ave, stay straight on Seaboard
- Slow down because The Silver Comet Trail crosses Seaboard a short distance after the 4-way stop (.6 miles from Hwy-278 to trailhead)
- Parking is on the left and right of the trail