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Wheelchair Accessibility = good heading east - you'll have to cross busy Main Street, heading west is very hilly

The Cedartown Depot Trailhead is located at mile marker 51.27 on the Silver Comet Trail. The Silver Comet travels alongside the depot, and the building has nice restrooms, water, and maps. Constructed in 2004, the Cedartown Depot is a replica of the original Seaboard Airline Railway depot and serves as the Cedartown Welcome Center and a museum. The depot is staffed during the day, and it is a few blocks from historic downtown Cedartown. Though the restrooms are open during business hours, they may be locked in the late afternoon and at night.

The trail is very hilly heading east to Grady Rd Trailhead. Some of the hills are rolling while others are long, steep, and in direct sunlight. Please bring plenty to drink and be careful not to overheat. For more information on the hilly areas, visit the Grady Road Trailhead page. Heading west the trail travels through park-like settings, alongside Hwy-278, and to the Martin Trailhead.

Even though the trail runs through populated areas, some sections are are isolated. Please use proper safety precautions because trail users are occasionally harassed by people loitering around the trail just west of the depot.

Cedartown Depot and Silver Comet
Cedartown, Polk County