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Paulding Chamber Trailhead - Map & Text Directions

Directions - Overview

33.90685078089049, -84.82879421528335

  • Dallas Trailhead is near the city of Dallas in Paulding County, Georgia
  • It's just west of the Hwy-61 and Hwy-278 intersection
  • Hwy-278 is northwest of Atlanta, and runs east to west towards Alabama


  • Note: Highway-278 mile markers start over in every county
  • Go to mile marker 11 on Hwy-278 in Paulding County
    • It's near the Hwy-61/Hwy-278 intersection
    • Hwy-61 is Nathan Dean Blvd to the north, and Villa Rica Hwy to the south
  • The Dallas Chamber of Commerce is just west of the Hwy-61/Hwy-278 Intersection, along the east-bound lane of Hwy-278
    • If you're heading west on Hwy-278, pass the Hwy-61 intersection, and make a u-turn at the next red light
    • If you're heading east of Hwy-278, look for the Paulding Chamber of Commerce on your right, just before the Hwy-61 intersection